Picasa Web Albums - JazzyJett - Blogger Pictures
~Before You Left The Womb~
I loved you my little angel, before you knew your time on earth…
I treasured you in your mother’s womb, crying joy’s tears at your birth
I adored your giggle and tiny toes, when your diaper I would change
I held you tight and prayed each night, and your mother did the same
My eyes lit up when you first spoke up, your first “Daddy” and “Mama” too…
Your inquisitive smile, those pretty big eyes, from infant to walking shoes
I watched you grow and play in the snow, your red cheeks, the mittens and gloves
A daddy’s girl with bows and curls, your kind kisses and goodnight hugs…
I could write until dawn of rhymes and songs, of “Humpty” and “The Man On The Moon”
But I’ll stop for now and pray you’ll know somehow, that daddy loved you before you left the womb…
By Brian G. Jett (Copyright-ã 2001)