
Jett Quotations (1993-2006)

(Written Between 1995 and 2007)

"Many are those who can make impressions; few are those who leave them." -B.G. Jett

"Harbors were built for ships, not resentments." -B.G. Jett

"If you think that someone else thinks that they are better than you, perhaps it is you who thinks they are better than you." -Brian G. Jett

"Whosoever, whatsoever be the foes that should force a broken person to his knees I purpose more so to be friends; no better position has so perfectly fitted him for fervent and unfeigned prayer." -B.G. Jett

“A penny’s worth of hope has kept multitudes from spiritual bankruptcy." —B.G. Jett

"It is easy to find character in a crisis. It is the remaining 90 percent of our time we struggle to find it." -B.G. Jett

“I should never be smugly impolite to the poor or partially affectionate to the affluent; for neither can advance nor hinder what only I shall be answerable before Christ.” –B.G. Jett

“Atheism collapses in notion and by self-imposed knavery insofar as its fundamental dispute is determined to resolve the nonexistence of anything or anyone greater than man as its source of conviction. However, if the source of an atheist’s conviction does not exist, than something greater than mere man must exist as birthed from atheistically cynical necessity for there to remain any semblance of dispute to resolve or any appearance of a source of conviction.” –B.G. Jett

"In order to grow along spiritual lines, we must also begin to read them." –B.G. Jett

"When all is said and done, the unselfish acts of what we have done without asking for anything in return, will have said it all." -Brian G. Jett

"Be careful around those individuals who have bought into negativity, because they have the uncanny ability of selling it as well." -Brian G. Jett

“The most absurd imaginings have historically been brought to fruition by men and women who refused to be conquered by frequent encounters with failure.” –Brian G. Jett

"A man defines his character with verbs, not nouns." -Brian G. Jett

"One's true character is most transparent when placed in a position of power." -Brian G. Jett

"The decisions that I’ve made while in an emotional frenzy, would be the thickheaded equivalent to a man’s purposefully capturing a wild gorilla for use at a children’s petting zoo.” -B.G. Jett

"May I be bold in belief, consistent in character, lavishing in love, determined in discipline, faithful in friendship, honest in humility, committed in courage, thoughtful in thankfulness, clear in conviction, real in repentance, forthright in forgiving, firm in faithfulness, purposeful in praise and above all else, forever grateful to God for His goodness and grace." –Brian G. Jett

“Confidence is the author of compliments.” –Brian G. Jett

"You can determine whether or not a person has a point by merely observing how long it takes them to get to it." –Brian G. Jett

"As a culture, we would be well served in associating 'Parental Guidance' beyond the realms of television programming." -Brian G. Jett

"It is in caring and sharing that we discover that we are not only helping those dear to us, but bettering who we are and opening the gates fully to that which we can become." –Brian G. Jett

“Recognize that gossip is the lazy thinkers way of communicating.” -B.G. Jett

"Be acutely aware of your non-verbal behaviors; body language has an unlimited vocabulary." -Brian G. Jett

"Hating is tantamount to eating briars through a barbed wire fence." -B.G. Jett

“It's much easier to face adversity when our backs are not turned to it." -Brian Jett

"The depth of our faith determines the height of our joy." -Brian Jett

"People who define themselves primarily by what they do, will one day awaken and wonder what they actually did." -Brian G. Jett

“Every employee has a valuable position to play, and every facet of management and leadership has the responsibility of providing each of them with the way to execute it.” -Brian G. Jett

"If you believe in luck, you're flat out of it." -Brian G. Jett

"To not fully EMBRACE life, is to fully DISGRACE life." -Brian G. Jett

"Atheists have continued to predictably wax philosophical concerning their intellectually self-sufficient certainties of God's nonexistence. However, the ease of their perilously lazy cynicism will become increasingly thorny as they age and are forced to acknowledge that their previously chosen stance as atheists must, as a matter of course, empirically and ultimately bear out that they were neither overly intellectual nor self-sufficient; neither unpredictable in opinion nor genuinely philosophic to originality; neither competent in certainties nor cerebrally capable of explaining creation without stumbling over the necessity of a Creator; neither convicted atheists excluded from eternal questions nor naturalists undaunted by morose preoccupations for ethereal answers; and lastly, neither authentically acceptant of a life without end nor having ever been secure in trusting their facts based on science in lieu of who or what made their science possible." -B.G. Jett

“We lose the vast majority of our creature battles not because we’re always wrong, but due to our ravenously disturbing approaches in exacting, at any cost, our rightness.” –Brian G. Jett

"Don't delay what God is doing by trying to do what only God can do." -B.G. Jett

“A worrywart is a person who deliberately pretends to be in control of the future and, more disturbingly, the very God who has and will continue to hold it.” –Brian G. Jett

“A man whose brain substantially lacks a hale and hearty dose of moral fiber is fated to be ill with cerebral constipation.” –Brian G. Jett

"If your vocation isn't your vacation, before long you will desperately need one." - B.G. Jett

"If you've learned from losing, it wasn't a loss." -Brian G. Jett

“Bravely stare that fear in the face, and watch how swiftly the coward flees.” –B.G. Jett

“God did not use fear to force me into heaven; He used His unplumbed love to lift me out of hell.” –B.G. Jett

“Silence is as necessary for our souls, as tender hugs are to our hearts.” –Brian G. Jett

"The only condition love has is that there never be one." -Brian G. Jett

"Never give up, just know Who to give it up to!" -Brian G. Jett

"When one figures out that who gets the credit is NOT key, he or she will have discovered it." -Brian G. Jett

"A true leader is one who can praise often, rejoice in his or her subordinate's victories, and do both earnestly without fear of losing the spotlight." -B.G. Jett

"What we eventually discover we treasure the most is not found in a chest, but rather in our chests." -B.G. Jett

“Experiencing anxiety about things we cannot change, is as pointless as trying to discern the time using a sundial in the shade.”—B.G. Jett

“Whatever wears off isn’t worth it.” –B.G. Jett

“The best way to forgive another’s idiocy is to remember our own countless episodes of it.” –B.G. Jett

"To live in regret is to merely exist in a time warp." -B.G. Jett

“Imminent death convicts men to honesty more quickly than any other one thing.” -B.G. Jett

“We don't have a problem with waiting, as much as we have an almost obsessively morose preoccupation with wondering why we have to do so!” –B.G. Jett